
Thank you for coming to visit, friend. If you have time, let us catch up over a fresh pot of tea. Because I have tales to tell you—four tales, to be exact. Four tales that the world does not yet know.

You may have already heard that the last time the ninja faced the Overlord, they lost their Elemental Powers. Kai lost the power of Fire. Cole lost the power of Earth. Jay lost the power of Lightning. And Zane lost the power of Ice.

These four ninja disappeared from the public. But then they returned, with their powers restored. Rumors flew about how the ninja did this. Intense training? Sorcery? A journey to another realm? The rumors became more and more wild, but the ninja remained silent.

Silent to most, but not to me. Today I will tell you the stories, as the four ninja told them. Their journeys were very different, but all of them were filled with danger, adventure, and excitement.

Now then, let’s begin, before our tea gets cold….

Master Wu